Hip Osteoarthritis

Hip Osteoarthritis

Hip pain coming from the hip is a fairly common condition that is seen in the Orthopaedic clinics. Many times people confuse low back ache with radiation into the buttocks as being a hip problem. Hip pain however is a different entity and there are separate clinical signs and symptoms which can be used to distinguish it from the back problem.

What Are the Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Hip?

Patients normally present with limping on walking a certain distance and on standing for certain intervals of time. Sleep is often disturbed specially while turning over in the bed and inability to lie on the affected side. Bending down to tie shoelaces and cutting of toenails can become a big problem. There is marked stiffness in the hip joint so sitting on a low surface and getting in and out of a car often takes a long time. It is a very disabling condition for the patients. Simple activities like getting up from a sitting position or swinging the legs to get into the car or even standing in line can be a severely painful procedure. In the Indian subcontinent majority of the people who suffer from this are on the younger side hence even keeping up with their occupation can be very difficult to manage.

In short if you have any of the following symptoms, talk to your doctor you may have osteoarthritis of hip:

  • stiffness around the hip that occurs as you are getting out of bed.
  • stiffness around the hip after you sit for a long time.
  • Any pain, swelling, or tenderness at the groin joint.
  • A sound or feeling of bone rubbing against bone, “crunching/crackling”
  • Inability to move the hip to perform routine activities such as putting on your socks, negotiating stairs, getting up from sitting.

How Is Osteoarthritis of the Hip Diagnosed?

There is no single test for diagnosing osteoarthritis but normally an x-ray is enough to diagnose hip arthritis. Some surgeons insist on having standing X rays because that will pick up even a slight reduction of hip space or the loss of thickness of the cartilage. X ray will show reduction of the space between the Femoral head and the Acetabulum Cup. It will also show some extra bone forming around the joint along with presence of cystic areas within the joint surfaces.

Figure showing loss of hip joint space, with extra bone formation with flattened out shape of head of femur. Compare to normal hip joint next to it

Fig, X ray showing presence of subchondral cyst with loss of joint space

MRI / CT scan can be used if diagnosis is in doubt. Occasionally altered bone consistency either because of some fluid collection in or around the hip or very subtle fractures or bone depression may actually point towards a diagnosis if in doubt. It is of a definite add vantage to rule out infection, maybe 2 burglars or bacterial very subtle injury which is not evident on clinical examination or on x rays.

How Is Osteoarthritis of the Hip Treated?

The main goal of treating osteoarthritis of the hip is to improve the person’s mobility (ability to get around) and lifestyle. Part of this goal involves improving the function of the hip and controlling pain.

Common Treatment of Hip arthritis are

  • Rest and joint care
  • Use of a cane to take weight off the affected hip
  • Non Drug pain relief techniques to control pain
  • Losing excess weight
  • Exercise
  • Medications including acetaminophen a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen or a prescription pain medication
  • Surgery
  • Complementary and alternative therapies

In advance arthritis different other treatment may require which may include different types of alignment correction surgery, joint replacement surgeries

How Can Osteoarthritis of the Hip Be Prevented?

One method for preventing osteoarthritis of the hip is to maintain a healthy weight. In addition, you should exercise. Exercise strengthens muscles around joints. Such strengthening can help prevent wear and tear on cartilage in a joint. Your health care provider may be able to offer additional suggestions to minimise your risk for hip osteoarthritis. <?p>

So, if you are suffering from arthritis, Dr. Roy Joint Clinic can help you treat your problem. With them, you can get the best quality arthritis treatment in Delhi and also at a much affordable price.